Over 400,000 children face life with uncertainty, without their family, and in unfortunate circumstances out of their control. In the United States, over 400,000 foster children are experiencing difficulties in their life that youth should never have to experience. These children are used to a life with frequent moves between foster homes and even changing schools with the moves and desperately need a forever family to bless them with a family that loves and cares for them. 

A forever home can drastically change a foster child’s life when raised in a home with love, structure, and permanency. Some foster care children don’t know what it’s like to have their own room or celebrate holidays with a family. In Arizona, over 2,600 children are legally free and ready to be adopted now. Building Arizona Families walks alongside adoptive families who want to welcome a foster child into their home. To learn more about the Forever Families U.S. Adoption program, please visit us HERE

Children Around the U.S. are Waiting for Someone to Love Them as Family

When a child in foster care is legally free, the state has terminated their birth parents’ rights. These children are wards of the state with no legal parents. Foster children in Arizona that are legally free and waiting for a family in foster care have lost so much in their short life. The loss of family, friends, and home can be detrimental for a child experiencing these circumstances at such a young age, causing issues that may follow them into adulthood. Young children in foster care need the love and safety during this crucial developmental period. Foster children need a safe place offering positive experiences during the healing process for the child. 

Families who want to adopt a foster child or a sibling group can continue their adoption journey without becoming foster certified. If your family feels the need to open your home to a loving child in desperate need of a forever family, there is a faster adoption process available. Building Arizona Families offers an exciting program for adoptive families in Arizona, which helps families adopt foster children. Children around the U.S. that are found legally eligible for adoption can be placed directly with an adoptive family in Arizona. Many of these children are five years of age or older. Younger children may be available but are mainly in sibling groups or needing a higher level of care. 

Through a direct adoption placement, the adoptive family is not foster certified but licensed to adopt through a home study. During this process, the child lives at the adoptive family’s home for approximately six months until the family legally adopts the child. Building a forever family is a beautiful and wonderful way to offer a safe, loving, and permanent home to a child who deserves one. To learn more about the Forever Families U.S. Adoption program, please download our info kit HERE and visit our website HERE for more information. 

Families Do Not Need to be Foster Certified to Adopt Foster Children and Build Your Forever Family

We Are Their Future and Building Arizona Families invites you to consider adopting a foster child in Arizona or anywhere else in the U.S. Remember, contrary to what many people believe, you do not have to be licensed foster care providers before adopting Arizona foster children. If you reside in Arizona and meet the requirements through our licensed adoption agency, Building Arizona Families, you are eligible to adopt a foster child from anywhere in the U.S. Download our foster child adoption info kit HERE.

We also invite you to attend one of our informative adoption seminars. You can reach out to Ixcel Baca, Program Coordinator, directly and ask any questions you might have. Ixcel would love to hear from you! You can reach Ixcel at (623) 696-9537 or by e-mailing her at [email protected]. Learn more about the Forever Families program Building Arizona Families HERE. You can change the lives of children in need of a family, forever! 

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