We want mommies and daddies
like other kids have.
Every child deserves to be safe and loved.
Adopting a Foster Child
There are thousands of vulnerable U.S. children who can’t return home because it is not safe. They need a forever family – a place to be loved, nurtured, and have the same opportunities that other children enjoy. You might be surprised at WHO can adopt a child from foster system. For example, you don’t have to be married, or own a home. You must be 21 years of age. You don't have to be wealthy. You may be the family a child has been hoping for!
Fostering a Child
When a child being neglected or abused, the child is removed from their home to insure his/her safety. When the child comes into the care of the state, a loving foster home is needed to help that child through one of the most frightening situations he/she will ever face. Caring people who are willing to open their homes to U.S. foster children can truly change the future of a child’s life.
Other Ways to Help
If fostering or adopting is not possible for you, there are so many other ways to help. Everyone can do something. Do you have time to volunteer? Teach a foster child to fish, cook or read? Are you able to financially support one of the numerous non-profits helping children in the foster care system? Can you or your company donate much needed items? Mattresses, cribs, diapers, backpacks, school supplies – the list goes on… Help today!
Everyday People
We are parents, grandparents, co-workers, neighbors. What do we have in common? We agree that we can not sit idly by while thousands of vulnerable, hurting U.S. children need someone to love them, to open the doors of their homes and hearts. Someone to spend time with them or help meet their financial needs. Together, we will work until there is NO FORGOTTEN or UNLOVED child in the U.S.. It’s a big job, but we can create the future that our country’s most vulnerable children deserve.
Committed to Children
We are passionate about changing the lives of our country's most vulnerable children. We are committed to finding foster and adoptive families. We will also help meet the practical needs of the tens of thousands of foster children. We believe everyday people stepping up is the solution. We need your help to make sure that children in foster care have the same opportunities as every other child in the United States. We can't do it alone.
Corporate Sponsorships
We recognize the tremendous responsibility we have as corporate citizens to make our country better for everyone - especially the most vulnerable among us - our children. We need caring corporations who are committed to sharing resources to insure that our nation's foster children have every opportunity to be placed with a loving forever family. Far too many children age out of the foster care system without ever being embraced by a loving family. The need is tremendous!
Will you step up to help make sure that every child in Arizona has a bright future?

Go HERE to learn more.