It’s a common misconception that individuals must first become foster parents and foster to adopt before adopting from foster care. There is a direct Arizona foster care adoption process through a comprehensive home study.  The home study process ensures that adoptive parents are well-prepared and equipped to provide a loving and stable environment for their future […]

National Adoption Day November 20, 2021

National adoption day

On National Adoption Day, communities in the United States come together to finalize thousands of adoption for children in foster care who have been hoping and praying for forever families. This day is held each year on the Saturday before Thanksgiving in November in all 50 US states to celebrate and finalize hundreds of adoptions […]

Over 275 Teens Exited Foster Care Without an Adoption in Arizona

Adoption Arizona

In 2020, 276 teenagers in foster care never received the wonderful news that a forever family is adopting them and giving them a life full of love, hope, safety, and support. These children now have to experience life without a loving family by their side and a stable foundation for their future. Without a support […]

Keeping Siblings Together When You Adopt Foster Kids in Arizona 

Adopt Foster Kids Arizona

Adopting foster kids in Arizona is an urgent matter.  These children have been the victims of child abuse and/or severe neglect.  When the issues that created the abuse have not been remedied and the children cannot safely be returned home, their biological parents’ rights are severed.  When this happens, these abused children enter the care […]

There is a Loving Home for All Foster Children Needing a Forever Family

Foster Children

Over 400,000 children face life with uncertainty, without their family, and in unfortunate circumstances out of their control. In the United States, over 400,000 foster children are experiencing difficulties in their life that youth should never have to experience. These children are used to a life with frequent moves between foster homes and even changing […]

Foster to Adopt AZ Foster Children to Protect Them from the Rise of Abuse

Foster to Adopt AZ

The COVID-19 lockdown has not only changed the daily lives of people around the world but has also made home life much more dangerous for many children in at-risk family settings. During times of heightened stress like we are experiencing now, child abuse and domestic violence cases begin to drastically increase, and children in the […]

Adopt Foster Kids in Arizona Facing Aging Out During the Pandemic 

Adopt Foster Kids Arizona

Aging out of the foster care system without ever being adopted is just heartbreaking. As the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted families willing to open their hearts and homes, the numbers are rising. When a teenager ages out of the foster care system, their chances of homelessness, drug use, pregnancy, and incarceration rise significantly. In the […]

Kelly Rourke-Scarry Talks to KTAR About Recent Adoption Scandal in the Valley

Building Arizona Families is dedicated to the integrity of the adoption process and committed to the protection and best interests of every vulnerable child, birth mother, and loving adoptive family.  The recent news story about Maricopa County Assessor, Paul Peterson, and his alleged adoption fraud scheme should not cause adoptive parent’s uneasiness.  There are too […]


Non Profit

Building Arizona Families is committed to the integrity of the adoption process.  This includes the protection of vulnerable children around the world, nurturing and caring for Arizona women experiencing crisis pregnancies, and walking beside hopeful adoptive families around the U.S. on their adoption journey. We serve all involved with the deepest compassion and professional excellence.  Please read below and […]

Adopt Foster Children in Arizona This New Year

The start of the New Year always holds so much hope.  It’s such a wonderful time of year. Families gather together to talk about their hopes and dreams. It is a magical time for children as they dream big dreams of anticipation. What if as a child your reality is quite different? Your parents neglected […]