The COVID-19 lockdown has not only changed the daily lives of people around the world but has also made home life much more dangerous for many children in at-risk family settings. During times of heightened stress like we are experiencing now, child abuse and domestic violence cases begin to drastically increase, and children in the foster care system are especially vulnerable. Since the coronavirus pandemic, schools have shut down, and foster children do not have regular contact with people and teachers like they once did.  The checks and balances of extra vigilance from other people are now unavailable.

Loving Arizona families can adopt foster children from anywhere in the United States.  The lives of foster children are always difficult, but they are especially difficult right now. Did you know that at any given time in our country, there are almost half a million children in foster care? Can you open your heart and home to provide a loving, safe, and stable home for foster children around the U.S.?  And keep in mind that you do not have to foster to adopt AZ children or foster children anywhere else in the country.  You can directly adopt children from the foster care system without becoming a foster parent first.

At Risk Children are Facing More Dangerous Circumstances Due to the Pandemic

The spike in domestic violence as a result of the increased stress from the pandemic has resulted in increases in child abuse and neglect. When America was required to stay home to stay safe, this was not the case for the thousands of U.S. children who fall victim to abuse and neglect behind closed doors.

At risk children who show up to school with bruises, poor hygiene, poor nutrition, and unhealthy psychosocial behaviors are usually monitored through daily interactions with teachers, school staff, and school program leaders. Teachers were able to keep an eye out for these children and are mandated reporters when abuse or neglect is a concern. But now, with the majority of schools shifting to an online format, these children are no longer being watched over to ensure their safety at home. At risk children could also rely on receiving meals during the school day, and without these meals, they may not be given the proper nutrition in their homes. Workers and volunteers are working diligently to keep the at risk children they are aware of protected and safe, but sadly this is an unrealistic expectation without a network of people watching out for these vulnerable children. This means that it could take something drastic for professionals to be alerted to the abuse and neglect occurring in at risk homes around the U.S.  For the hundreds of thousands of children already in foster care as a result of abuse and neglect, Building Arizona Families provides Arizona families the path to direct adoption of foster children from around the country, without the need to foster to adopt in Arizona.

No Need to Foster to Adopt AZ Children – Direct Adoption is Possible

Contrary to what many people believe, you do not have to foster to adopt foster children. We will help you walk through the direct adoption of children in the foster care system. Download our foster child adoption info kit HERE.

We can work together to help innocent children heal from abuse, neglect, loneliness, fear, and sadness. Direct adoption of a foster child is less expensive than private adoption. The states these children reside in will help facilitate the adoption of foster children whose parental rights are severed because they recognize the urgent need for children to grow up in loving families. Visit us HERE. We can help you begin your adoption journey and offer a child in great need a life full of love and safety. You can also help foster children in Arizona in many other ways, please visit us HERE to learn about more ways to help.

Building Arizona Families Encourages Us To Change A Child’s Life Forever

Almost half a million children around the United States are waiting every day for someone to adopt them and change the life they are living. Will you be the one to change their story and adopt foster children? Learn more about the Forever Families program Building Arizona Families offers to foster to adopt AZ foster children, and anywhere around the U.S. HERE. You can be the change they are praying for!

We also invite you to attend one of our informative adoption seminars. You can reach out to Ixcel Baca, Program Coordinator directly and ask any questions you might have. Ixcel would love to hear from you! You can reach Ixcel at (623) 696-9537 or by e-mailing her at [email protected].

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