We Are Their Future is always working diligently to help children around the country find a forever home full of love and security. Children living in foster care have experienced such heartbreak, abandonment, and sadness in their young lives. No child should have to feel what so many children experience every day when losing their family. Adoptive families have the amazing opportunity to change a child’s life forever by giving them the answer to their prayers – a forever home full of love, laughter, and life. Building Arizona Families offers a beautiful program for forever families adoption services called the Forever Families U.S. Adoption Program.

The Forever Families Adoption Services Available with Building Arizona Families Arizona Adoption Agency

Who is Eligible to Adopt Foster Children?

Our Forever Families U.S. Adoption Program is an incredible program for adoptive families who live in Arizona. Arizona families can adopt foster children in Arizona and throughout the United States who have been found legally eligible for adoption.

Building Arizona Families does direct adoption placements. This means that the adoptive family is not foster care certified but licensed to adopt through a home study; making these direct adoptions. To adopt foster children in Arizona or from around the country, the foster children come to live in your home. After approximately six months, your family legally adopts the children.

What is a Home Study?

Home studies are mandatory for every adoptive family in the United States, whether they are adopting a child domestically or internationally. Our home study reports satisfy the State of Arizona’s legal requirements as well as the requirements for domestic adoptions in other states, international adoptions, and all out-of-state adoption agencies coordinating child placements.

Our goal is to make the home study a positive experience and support you in becoming adoptive parents. We offer resource materialsand personal support. Learn more about building a home study HERE.

What is the Process of Adopting a Foster Child Through the Forever Families U.S. Adoption Program?

The necessary steps to adopt foster kids in Arizona or from around the country are similar and apply to Arizona families as follows:

– Choose the type of adoption

– Select an agency or facilitator

– Complete a home study

– Wait for a placement

– Finalize the adoption

If you feel called to open your heart and home to a foster child in need of a loving and forever home, please download our info kit HERE for more information about our forever families adoption services. We are thrilled to help families on their adoption journey and to find beautiful homes for children in need. Learn more about other adoption programs with Building Arizona Families, HERE.

Foster Children Are Just Children Wanting a Family to Love and Accept Them

Building Arizona Families invites you to consider adopting a foster child. Remember, contrary to what many people believe, you do not have to foster to adopt foster children. We will help you walk through the direct adoption of children in the foster care system. Download our foster child adoption info kit HERE. Learn more about the Forever Families Program Building Arizona Families offers to adopt foster children HERE. You can change the life of a foster child forever! Learn more about how We Are Their Future supports foster children in Arizona and around the U.S., HERE.

We also invite you to attend one of our informative adoption seminars. You can reach out to Ixcel Baca, Program Coordinator, directly and ask any questions you might have. Ixcel would love to hear from you! You can reach Ixcel at (623) 696-9537 or by e-mailing her at [email protected].