At any given time in the United States, thousands of children whose parental rights have been severed due to abuse or neglect are available for adoption.  While the children hope and pray for forever families to adopt them, they live in foster or group homes around the country.  The children range in age from infant to eighteen years old.  Some have disabilities that require special care.  Others enter foster care with siblings and hope to remain with them and be adopted by the same family.  Can you adopt a waiting child? If you choose to adopt a child in need of a loving family, it will change their lives (and yours) forever.

Adopt a Child in Need of a Forever Family

Building Arizona Families has been providing adoption services since 2004. We have helped hundreds of Arizona families adopt a waiting child from around the U.S.  Our adoption agency is licensed to provide adoption services for Arizona families. Qualified families can adopt a child needing a loving home from any state in the U.S.

Adoptive families must meet the requirements set forth by the state of Arizona and be approved to adopt a waiting child through the home study process.  Building Arizona Families conducts the home study for adoptive families, walking the family through the requirements a step at a time, providing substantial adoption education and support in the child matching process.

We Are Here to Support Your Adoption Journey

Read HERE for more information on adoption eligibility, home study requirements, costs, and processes.  You are invited to attend one of our convenient online adoption seminars.  Find out dates and times HERE.   You can also reach out directly to Ixcel Baca at 623-696-9357 or [email protected].

Building Arizona is a licensed adoption agency with an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.  Please reach out at any time. We Are Their Future would love to help serve you and your family.