Adopting Foster Children is Truly Life-Changing

Adopting Foster Children

Interested in adopting foster children? Many people are unaware of the experiences of foster children in the United States. Children are removed from their homes and placed in the foster care system when it is unsafe for them to remain at home. Parental rights are severed by the state they reside in when the child […]

Qualify to Adopt Foster Children in Arizona

adopt foster children, adopt foster children in Arizona

You Might Qualify to Adopt Foster Children in Arizona Did you know that there are foster children throughout Arizona who can’t return home, have had their parental rights severed as a result of unmitigated life threatening abuse and neglect, and are hoping that someone will open their heart and home to them? They want forever […]

Our Licensed Adoption Agency Helps People Wanting to Adopt Foster Children 

Licensed Adoption Agency

Building Arizona Families, a local licensed adoption agency in Arizona, can help many different kinds of families wanting to grow. Forever families can be married couples with children already or trying to start their family now, or even single individuals looking to offer a forever home to a child in need. A forever family can […]

Adopt Foster Children from Foster Care in Arizona or Around the U.S.

Foster Care Arizona

There are over 3,000 children in foster care in Arizona alone that are legally eligible to be adopted right now. As heartbreaking as it is, these children’s biological parents no longer have parental rights. These children desperately need a family to offer them support, care, love, and, more importantly, a forever home. Married couples, families, […]

Adopt Foster Kids in Arizona Facing Aging Out During the Pandemic 

Adopt Foster Kids Arizona

Aging out of the foster care system without ever being adopted is just heartbreaking. As the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted families willing to open their hearts and homes, the numbers are rising. When a teenager ages out of the foster care system, their chances of homelessness, drug use, pregnancy, and incarceration rise significantly. In the […]

How can I Adopt Foster Children in Arizona and Change a Child’s Life Forever?

Adopt Foster Children in Arizona

In over 15 states, more than 10,000 children are living in foster care, trying to hold onto the hope a loving family will adopt them. In 2018, Florida had over 20,000 children in foster care, Texas had more than 30,000, and California had a staggering number of over 50,000 children waiting to be adopted from […]

Adopt Foster Children in Arizona or Around the U.S. to Provide Crucial Nurturing

Adopt Foster Children in Arizona

Adopt foster children in Arizona or around the U.S. to provide essential nurturing all children need to grow up to be amazing adults. Children begin to understand the world around them through the relationships they experience with parents, loved ones, and caregivers. Children are continually developing physically, emotionally, socially, behaviorally, and intellectually. Children in foster […]

Protecting Foster Children with American Adoptions

American Adoptions

Children and teens in foster care can get caught in a heartbreaking cycle of instability and loneliness. Moving from place to place an average of 3-4 times per year, sometimes with their earthly belongings carried in a plastic garbage bag, and growing increasingly emotionally shut down without stable, permanent relationships.  As foster children move from […]

Adopt Foster Children in Arizona to Start a Momentous School Year

Adopt Foster Children in Arizona

The start of the new school year is here, and many kids are excitedly starting this new adventure. Shopping for new school clothes and supplies, meeting new friends, and learning new things is what most kids are thinking about at the beginning of the school year. Unfortunately, every year there are foster children scared of […]

Thousands of Arizona Foster Children Are Hoping for Forever Families

There are thousands of foster children in Arizona whose parental rights have been severed. This means that these precious children are legally available for adoption. Additionally, Arizona families interested in helping vulnerable Arizona foster children who have already suffered so much can consider the foster to adopt AZ children process. The foster to adopt AZ […]