The world can be hard enough for kids living in foster care who experience abandonment, loneliness, pain, and sadness. But imagine what happens when life is turned upside down for society, and foster children do not have a forever family to keep them safe and protected. When society faces issues like the current COVID-19 outbreak and quarantine, we ask adoptive families to adopt foster kids in Arizona – it is vital to their safety. Without forever families to love and care for foster kids, too many children may share common spaces and individual health may not be able to be prioritized. Will you consider the urgent need to adopt foster kids in Arizona to ensure that they have a safe, healthy, and loving family?

Nurture, Compassion, and Humor can Change a Foster Kid’s Life Forever

Adoptive parents will act in the best interest of their child, providing consistency and stability. Over 15,000 foster kids in Arizona alone need a safe and permanent home right now. Adopting foster kids in Arizona prevents vulnerable children from hopping from foster house to foster house, many moving 3-6 times a year, changing caregivers, schools, and friends.  The permanent protection of a new family is everything foster kids hope and pray for.

A home full of patience, nurturing, compassion, and humor can significantly change the world of a kid who grew up in foster care. For maybe the first time ever, they will experience feeling safe, being unconditionally loved, and being fully provided for. Building Arizona Families facilitates families’ adoption of foster kids in Arizona and from around the U.S.  The forever family must be Arizona residents who are willing to open their hearts and homes to provide a promising, bright future foster children didn’t think they would ever have. The statistics about foster children who are never adopted and age out of the system and move into adulthood alone are bleak.  A new family will provide the environment to build healthy relationships. Adding a fun sense of humor to family life also trains foster children to manage stressful times and appropriately express feelings, as well as learning to laugh and have fun together as children should.

Building Arizona Families is still working hard to provide forever homes for foster children in need of a permanent family. Visit us HERE to learn more about adopting foster kids in Arizona, and throughout the U.S., as well as other programs our local Arizona adoption agency offers. All children deserve to live a beautiful and happy life, and adopting foster kids in Arizona can provide them with the home they dream of.

Building Arizona Families Wants to Find as Many Forever Families to Adopt Foster Kids in Arizona

If you are an Arizona resident, Building Arizona Families invites you to consider adopting foster children in Arizona and from throughout the U.S who are hoping and praying for forever families. Remember, contrary to what many people believe, you do not have to be a foster family before adopting foster children. We will help you walk through the direct adoption of children in the foster care system. Download our foster child adoption info kit HERE.

We also invite you to attend one of our informative adoption seminars. You can reach out to Ixcel Baca, Program Coordinator, directly and ask any questions you might have. Ixcel would love to hear from you! You can reach Ixcel at (623) 696-9537 or by e-mailing her at [email protected]. Learn more about the Forever Families program Building Arizona Families offers to adopt foster children HERE. You can change the life of a foster child forever!

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