Families that adopt U.S. children from the foster care system discover that adoption can be incredibly fulfilling and life-changing for both parents and children. Thousands of children in foster care are waiting for permanent, loving homes. If you have considered adoption and are interested in providing a stable and nurturing environment for a child in need, this article will guide you through the process of adopting from the U.S. foster care system.

Understanding the U.S. Foster Care System

The U.S. foster care system provides temporary care for children who are removed from their biological families due to abuse, neglect, or other reasons that prevent them from living safely at home. Typically, the primary goal of the foster care system is to reunite children with their birth families after assisting families in resolving the issues that caused the child or children’s removal. However, when reunification is not feasible, parental rights are severed, and adoption becomes an option to provide a permanent home for the child.

Eligibility Requirements to Adopt U.S. Children

Potential adoptive parents must meet specific eligibility requirements to adopt from the U.S. foster care system. These may vary from state to state but generally include:

Adoption Research and Education

Before diving into the process of adopting U.S. children, educating yourself about the adoption journey and the needs of children in foster care is crucial. Attend adoption information sessions, workshops, and support groups to gain insights from experienced adoptive parents and professionals. Understanding the potential challenges and rewards of adopting from foster care will help you make informed decisions.  Building Arizona Families offers a free, downloadable information kit on the adoption process.  You can download it HERE.  We also offer convenient online seminars.  You can view the seminar schedule and RSVP HERE.

Choose an Adoption Agency or Facilitator

Choosing a reputable adoption agency or facilitator to assist you through the process. The adoption agency will provide guidance, support, and access to available children in the foster care system. Building Arizona Families is state licensed, experienced, transparent in costs and requirements, and has a strong track record of successful adoptions.  We provide adoption services for Arizona families who are eligible to adopt U.S. foster children from around the country.

Complete Pre-Adoption Training

Prospective adoptive parents are required to attend pre-adoption training. These sessions offer valuable insights into the adoption process, the challenges faced by adopted children, and the resources available to support both the child and the adoptive family.

Adoptive Families Must Undergo a Home Study to Adopt U.S. Children

A home study is a comprehensive assessment of the prospective adoptive family’s suitability to provide a safe and nurturing home for a child. A licensed social worker will conduct interviews, review documents, and visit your home to ensure it meets safety standards. The home study replaces the need for adoptive families to be licensed to foster children.  Building Arizona Families offers home studies.  You can find out more HERE.

Matching and Placement

Once your home study is approved, you can proceed with the matching process. You share your preferences for the child or children you hope to adopt with your caseworker. Preferences can include gender, age, general health, and race. The agency will work with you to find a suitable match between your family and a child in foster care. This process involves considering the child’s needs, preferences, and your family’s abilities to meet those needs. After a match is found, you may visit and interact with the child before they are placed in your home.

The Legal Process and Finalization

The legal process to adopt U.S. children will vary based on your state’s laws. Once a child is placed in your home, you may have a period of foster care placement before the adoption is finalized. You will have ongoing support and supervision from the adoption agency or social worker during this time. After all legal requirements are met, the adoption will be finalized in court, granting you legal parental rights and responsibilities for the child.

Post-Adoption Support

There can be unique challenges involved with adopting U.S. foster children.  Many adoption agencies offer post-adoption support services to help families navigate the adjustment period and address any possible difficulties. Support groups, counseling, and access to resources can be invaluable in ensuring a successful and happy adoption experience.


Adopting a child from the U.S. foster care system is a meaningful way to provide a loving and stable home for a child who has suffered significant trauma and needs a loving forever home in which to heal and flourish. The process may have its challenges, but with patience, dedication, and the proper support, it can be an incredibly rewarding journey for both the child and the adoptive family. Remember that each child is unique, and finding the right match requires time and consideration. By opening your heart and home, you can make a lasting difference in a child’s life and create a loving, forever family.

There is a great deal of information on our website about adoption through the foster care system, and a free, downloadable information kit is available here.  We invite you to review the information and register for one of our informative online adoption seminars.  You can view available dates and RSVP here.   Additionally, please feel free to reach out to our Forever Families program manager, Ixcel Baca, by cell phone at 623-696-9537 or by e-mail at [email protected].

Building Arizona Families has been serving families since 2004, and we enjoy an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.  More importantly, we are a licensed adoption agency through the Arizona Department of Child Safety’s Office of Licensing and Regulation.  This means our adoption agency meets the criteria to facilitate adoptions and illustrates that we operate in the best interest of the children we serve.  Please find out more about our licensed adoption agency HERE.  Please reach out with any questions you have; it would be our privilege for We Are Their Future to serve you and your family!