Arizona Foster children wishing for a Home for the HolidaysWrite an Encouraging Christmas Message to an Arizona Foster Child

We Are Their Future will be delivering Christmas gifts to Arizona foster children living in group homes on Saturday, Dec. 23rd. We would love to include an encouraging message from you in their gifts. These precious children are hoping and praying for forever families.  Every Arizona foster child needs to know that they are not forgotten, and that people do truly care about them. Leave your message in the Comment section below. We will print the messages and include them with their gifts.

Donate to Help Find Forever Families for Arizona Foster Children

Please also consider a tax deductible donation to change a precious foster child’s future. This year so far we have found over EIGHT HUNDRED FAMILIES interested in adoption. But the need is great, and just $25 helps us find one family. CLICK HERE to GIVE

Thank you and God bless you for helping to change a foster child’s Christmas and their future!

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