The Need for Adopting Foster Kids in Arizona is Urgent!

Adopting Foster Kids in Arizona

Arizona State University recently studied the negative effects that living in foster care have on foster children and how adopting foster kids in Arizona can completely change a child’s life. Children in foster care offered their input on what is essential for children when living in foster care. One foster child shared: “I guess I […]

How can I Adopt Foster Children in Arizona and Change a Child’s Life Forever?

Adopt Foster Children in Arizona

In over 15 states, more than 10,000 children are living in foster care, trying to hold onto the hope a loving family will adopt them. In 2018, Florida had over 20,000 children in foster care, Texas had more than 30,000, and California had a staggering number of over 50,000 children waiting to be adopted from […]

Now More Than Ever Adopt Foster Kids in Arizona – It’s Essential

Adopt Foster Kids in Arizona

The world can be hard enough for kids living in foster care who experience abandonment, loneliness, pain, and sadness. But imagine what happens when life is turned upside down for society, and foster children do not have a forever family to keep them safe and protected. When society faces issues like the current COVID-19 outbreak […]

Adopt Foster Children in Arizona or Around the U.S. to Provide Crucial Nurturing

Adopt Foster Children in Arizona

Adopt foster children in Arizona or around the U.S. to provide essential nurturing all children need to grow up to be amazing adults. Children begin to understand the world around them through the relationships they experience with parents, loved ones, and caregivers. Children are continually developing physically, emotionally, socially, behaviorally, and intellectually. Children in foster […]

Give the Gift That Changes the Future – Adopt Arizona Foster Children

T I S . T H E– season –  Adopt Arizona Foster Children … that over 10,000 children in the Arizona foster care system are hoping and praying for safe, loving forever families. They want to celebrate Christmas like other children, and to know that they won’t have to move again, live with strangers, and be a […]

Thousands of Arizona Foster Children Are Hoping for Forever Families

There are thousands of foster children in Arizona whose parental rights have been severed. This means that these precious children are legally available for adoption. Additionally, Arizona families interested in helping vulnerable Arizona foster children who have already suffered so much can consider the foster to adopt AZ children process. The foster to adopt AZ […]

Over 500 Arizona Foster Children Celebrate Home for the Holidays

    We Are Their Future Contact: Vickie Isaac, M.Ed. President/CEO 602-403-7575 [email protected] Over 500 ARIZONA Foster Children From Group Homes Celebrate Home for the Holidays Kick-Off at Lucas Oil Drag Boat Racing World Championships PHOENIX (Oct. 26, 2017) – We Are Their Future is pleased to announce the Home for the Holidays campaign kick […]

Steve and Becky Chose to Adopt Foster Kids to Build Their Forever Family

adopt foster kids

Steve and Becky Chose to Adopt Kids to Build Their Forever Family Like thousands of families across the United States, Steve and Becky could not have biological children. They always knew they wanted to be parents. It was a natural decision for them to choose to adopt foster kids to build their forever family. Steve […]

Vickie Isaac, CEO of We Are Their Future Interview on Valley Focus Radio

We Are Their Future founder and President/CEO Vickie Isaac was interviewed on Valley Focus this past Sunday. Valley Focus,  a Sunday morning feature of Hubbard Broadcasting  on five radio stations in the Phoenix metro area. Conversation focused on the urgent needs for Arizona foster children.  Every day Arizonans were encouraged to get involved in helping […]