DonationsA Note From the President

I am so happy to report to you the difference that compassionate people like you are making in orphans’ lives!  I hope you enjoy the spotlight on “T” in the Changed Children section. (Do keep in mind that in many instances, we don’t share the child’s name or actual photo to protect the confidentiality of the child for their protection.) We are so proud of “T”, and excited that her story of progress is going to be shared in a TV interview.  We believe it will encourage others to help the vulnerable orphans we serve receive the healing they need, as well as help find forever families for these children who desperately want a home. Since our last newsletter, I am happy to report that we are now providing music lessons for FIFTEEN orphaned U.S. children because of generous corporate and individual sponsors.  As word spreads among the children, our waiting list for sponsors grows.  In addition to serving Arizona orphans we are now serving Ohio orphans who actually live in a facility called an orphanage!  We now have EIGHT children waiting to be matched with sponsors, and can’t wait to offer them the benefits of learning to play a musical instrument. As we reported last month, we are working on grant applications.  To be honest, it is slow going.  We urgently need individual and corporate funding now.  Our program is truly only limited by the number of sponsors we have. I so greatly appreciate your compassionate, generous heart to help abused orphans living right here in our own country.  I really need your help to spread the word about these children so that we can get them the help they need.  Can you forward this e-mail to friends, co-workers, pastors, and businesses that can help make a difference?  We will not give up on these children, and are committed to finding a sponsor for every orphan that wants the opportunity to play a musical instrument or learn to sing.  It is the least we can do for them. April was National Child Abuse Prevention Month.  One of the keys to preventing abuse is awareness – if you are uncomfortable with how a child is being treated or you are concerned about their living environment, be a good neighbor and find out how you can help.  If you witness abuse, please be courageous and report it.  Last year, there were over THREE MILLION incidences where child protective services intervened.  There were over 2,000 children that did not survive.  For those who do survive horrific abuse, the aftermath is haunting. We have to help as many abused, orphaned children as possible.  Please help share the message about these children and ways we can be a part of changing their future.  Post the newsletter on your social media accounts.  Forward it to friends. Join us on our social media sites and share our posts.  We need advocates to bring awareness to the suffering these children have endured, and corporate sponsors and individual sponsors to join us in their healing. AND, no gift is too small.  We need to buy musical instruments, pay instructors, even pay for things like our Zoom subscription so we can teach online.  It all adds up – please help where you can.   All Kids Need Music is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization, so your gifts are tax deductible. Thank you again for your compassion to care for these terribly wounded orphans. For the Children, Ed Kelly President/CEO All Kids Need Music

Yes! I Can Help Sponsor Waiting Orphans

Changed Children

DoantionsMeet “T”!  Through a generous corporate sponsorship from Building Arizona Families, “T” was given 52 weeks of piano lessons. “T” came into the program in March.  She is fourteen, orphaned, and lives in a group home.  She began her musical journey by wanting to make it to American Idol!  Her gifted teacher, Karen, recognized her aptitude for piano and directed her to the instrument that she is now excelling at. She had a rocky start, but thanks to her trauma trained music instructor, she is doing wonderfully!  Her instructor, Karen, says she is clearly a gifted, remarkable girl, and tells us that she and “T” have developed a very special bond.  She is doing so well that she was chosen to be highlighted in an upcoming television interview along with Karen to illustrate how powerful trauma informed music therapy is in healing abused children.  “T” is learning to respond positively to her environment and emotions, telling Karen that when the kids at the group home are fighting, she just goes into her room and practices her music.  This is great progress! Visit our website HERE to watch the TV interview! Would you like more information about adopting foster children?  Building Arizona Families, one of our corporate sponsors, can help.  They offer virtual seminars on adoption for foster children, infants, and Haitian children.  You can find out more about adoption by visiting their website HERE.  And, you can view children whose parental rights have been severed and who are hoping and praying for forever families HERE. Please forward the information about adoption to friends and family!

Yes! I Want Adoption Information!

Donations DonationsMeet Building Arizona Families, Arizona’s leading adoption agency and our first Champion’s Champion Sponsor! Building Arizona Families helps families around the U.S. adopt newborn babies. They also provide adoption services for Arizona families to adopt foster children around the country. Additionally, they help U.S. families adopt children from Haiti. Building Arizona Families is a non-profit, licensed, and internationally accredited adoption agency founded by one woman who was adopted herself and another woman who has adopted three children. We are grateful for their generous support in sponsoring SIX U.S. orphans whose lives will be forever changed by Building Arizona Families and their tax deductible donation. Find out more about this wonderful adoption agency at

Champions for Children

DonationsMeet Dr. John and Dinah Hodgson.  The Hodgsons have been making a difference in the lives of vulnerable children for decades, both in the U.S. and around the world.  They have served in orphanages and ministered hope to HIV positive children and teenagers, and taught school children in remote villages in Africa. John and Dinah are located in Ohio, and became the first sponsors for children in the St. Joseph’s Orphanage. When asked if they could sponsor an orphan in Ohio, their response was, “How could we not help?”.  We are so grateful for the Hodgson’s championing a U.S. orphan’s opportunity to learn to play music!

Yes! I can sponsor an orphan!

Champion These Children

We have an orphan waiting for a sponsor at St. Joseph’s Orphanage in Ohio.

We have seven orphans in Arizona waiting for sponsors.

Individual Champions

DonationsThere are so many ways for individuals to help change the lives of foster children. Choose a child or children to sponsor for a year.  You can choose to cover the costs of the child’s instrument and lessons, just the lessons, or just the instrument with our music charity.  You can also choose to give to the area of greatest need when helping kids with All Kids Need Music.  You can make a single gift or a monthly recurring gift.  And remember, it changes childrens’ lives and is tax deductible as an additional benefit to you. Please visit us HERE to learn more!

Business Champions

DonationsBusinesses that sponsor music lessons and instrument rental for at risk youth are first and foremost changing the lives of the most vulnerable children in the U.S. As a thank you for the generosity of our business partners, our music charity All Kids Need Music provides an effective platform for businesses to build their brand around their corporate generosity. Research proves that corporations that give back have a significantly higher brand appeal and loyalty rate. Corporations engaged in social good also positively impact their own employees at work satisfaction and company loyalty. Being a champion for at-risk youth provides the opportunity for employees to stay in touch with their sponsored child, providing a source of joy and sense of being cared about for children who in many instances have been terribly abused and discarded. Please visit us HERE to learn more!

Every Dollar Helps – Please Give What You Can


All Kids Need Music Needs Sponsors to Help

We urgently need your help for thousands of U.S. orphans living in group homes and shelters around our country.  These orphaned children are at risk youth that have already experienced so much pain and loss from unimaginable child abuse and neglect.  They need the opportunity to heal through the therapy of playing a musical instrument.   Music charity for children can provide that service. We are an IRS registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your generous gift is tax deductible. Please do what you can to help these children!

Help Abused Orphans Heal – Your sponsorship reminds them that there are loving people who care about them.