Did you know that RIGHT NOW, there are almost 17,000 children in Arizona’s state foster care system?

home for the holidays for arizona foster children

These precious children have been severely abused and neglected, then removed from their homes to keep them safe.

When reunification with their biological families is NOT possible, parental rights are severed. These children become orphans. RIGHT NOW, there are over 3,000 orphans in Arizona’s state foster care system.

In foster care, these vulnerable children move  an average of two or three times a year. Often their precious few belongings are carried in a garbage bag.

Last year, over 2,300 Arizona foster children lived in group homes. No bedroom of their own, nothing familiar that feels like “home”, and some children don’t bother to unpack their garbage bag.

What is Home for the Holidays?

Foster children wishing for a Home for the Holidays

home for foster children for the holidays